Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:
Love redeems.
Joy comes.
Resurrection exists.
These are the themes I write about.
⭐️Catholic Christian ⭐️Widow ⭐️Wife ⭐️Educator ⭐️Spiritual Director
My writing centers upon the reality that experiencing God, the accessible love, in the midst of our real life is the crux of our existence. Interacting with God’s word is an invitation to experience God’s reality. As Jesus enlightens the eyes of our heart, through his word and our world, we receive light and also a mission: to carry light to the world. To use our presence and gifts to bind up the broken-hearted and declare freedom to those held captive by sin, fear, and death is our great calling - and privilege.
Four years ago, I was faced with a reality I’d never imagined for myself: a widow at 36. a childless widow at 36. a childless widow at 36, living in a state not her own, working in the department of her husband’s beloved alma mater.
While I had always written and blogged occasionally about our life, writing became my way of processing grief. Sharing my feelings by blogging was a lifeline to my community, spread across the country. My blog originated as our wedding website to keep family and friends informed on our life as we moved from the midwest to the southwest.
Graciously, God moved me from a place of grieving to a place of healing: from being emptied by loss to filled by the Holy Spirit. Light and love returned to my life. In 2020, I married a wonderful Irishman.
The lessons I have learned through tour this journey are -
Love redeems. Joy comes. Resurrection exists.
These are the themes I write about. My dream goals include publishing a book; offering healing retreats for the grieving - inspiring them lives of deeper faith and trust - as I myself continue to root deeper into the love of Jesus.