
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

Wedding Centerpiece

Last year, while traveling in Del Mar, California (a suburb of San Diego), my co-worker/friend and I visited the shops in the art district. While in a particular shop, I got inspired. Dan and I weren't close to being engaged, but that doesn't stop a girl from dreaming a little does it? First, I was inspired by all the crowns and fleur de lises...and then - I saw IT - THE wedding centerpieces of my dreams! What could it be you ask?
I don't want to spoil the surprise for you...but here are some of the required ingredients:
  • approximately 60+ wine bottles (requiring a pre-requisite of friends and family that enjoy wine!)
  • one wine bottle cutter from Delphi Glass in Lansing, Michigan
  • one "mouse" sander from Black & Decker (handheld)
  • multiple sheets of sandpaper with different levels of coarseness
  • one bottle of polishing compound
  • two aluminum pie plates
  • hot water
  • cold water
  • a torch, if necessary
  • ear plugs
  • 2 very patient parents and one somewhat crazy bride
  • 2 free afternoons
  • 48 candles
Here are some pictures to further pique your curiousity:

Curious to see the final product? Well, attend our wedding and reception and you'll get to SEE the rest of the story!  (Can you tell that we are a 4-H family? We still document step-by-step the phases of our product. Hopefully, y'all will award us with a purple ribbon for our creative excellence!)

Our Vows

Engagement pictures