
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

Pure Michigan, Pure Joy

We have officially been returned from our wonderful, ten days of rest, relaxation, fair and family vacation to Michigan.  To describe the trip as 'amazing' or 'blessed' seems to fall short.  Both Dan and I felt wholly refreshed in our souls, our calling, and our place in the world.

I feel like Michigan is our place.  I feel incredibly blessed with an amazing family by calling (in-law doesn't capture the warmth or love they bring).  When Dan first took me to Michigan (again, for an extended vacation) to meet the family, that was when we both knew...where Dan first said, "I love you," where I cried when we drove away because I felt so welcomed and accepted.  This trip reinforced that acceptance. I truly feel like I belong; like I am part of this family, immediate and extended - even though many miles separate us. It is a beautiful and BLESSED thing. 

It was so nice to see Dan rest and relax.  He needed a chance to just connect with those who know him best - and he got to do that many times over.  We're contemplating making this trip an annual event.  Being 'stationed' at the Shiawassee County Fair allowed us to spend many days and quality memory-making moments with family and friends - far more than we would have done on a holiday trip.

I will recap the week using pictures on the blog this week. (Yes, I took pictures!) Just know that it was everything we needed to return refreshed & relaxed!

Matt Monday - Michigan

Juno: aka didjunowhatthekieslingsweredoing?