
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

Tops in 2012

A friend of mine with a wildly successful blog mentioned the usefulness of reviewing your top posts from the past year to determine what people really enjoy reading.

Without further ado:

1. What’s my season? TWO-HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT views and counting! BTW – this past fall my preceptor and I decided that I am most likely a deep winter based on complexion colors. But, I wear more from the “clear winter family” – and really, what’s the biggest difference between the two? NOT.MUCH.

2. Friday Fail. 58 views. Either you like posts about REAL life (which I’m sure you do), or you were just attracted to that awesome picture of the rotisserie chicken.

3. Holy Thursday. 53 views. Speaking of real life, Christ is life. Message clear: you like reading about real life experiences and reflections.

4. FC’s Impact. 48. Another example of real life – recognizing the impact my college mentor had upon my life, grieving in gratitude for the man that he was and the life he now has.

3-way tie for 5th place

5. DIY Gallery Shelves. 47. This speaks for itself. Since the advent of Pinterest, anything DIY blow up the views. Smile …and, in the coming year, I hope to be EVEN MORE creative – so be on the look-out!

5b. Kiesling Kitchen. See comments on the shelves. Cooking is DIY, after all! This even garnered my first comment-from-the-outside-world (i.e. someone I have never met).

5c. Tetanus Tuesday. You LOVE my dramatization of our lives! That’s great because I tend to be dramatic.

Tie for 8th: You like hearing about what we’re up to. That’s nice, since distance separates us.

8. Mother Goose & Michi-Gander. 41 – examples of what a visit to Tucson looks like.

8b. Juno

…and #10: Mini-moon, March Madness…like so many other of the top posts, you like hearing about our life. I’ll keep that in mind and try to post more!


Painting & Wine: A Perfect Girls Night