
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

Unanswered Prayers

True confession: Does anyone else roll their eyes when they hear this song?

I mean, I get it. Sometimes we don't know what's best for us.

Except, really, deep down, I don't believe this.

I can't be the only one, right? I'd venture to say that most of us think God has given us a strong, sturdy set of shoulders and a bright, capable, brilliant mind that can easily solve all our problems. It's the American way, isn't it? Don't we embody the "Pray for God's will & work like hell to make it so?"

I think so.

...and also, when God does answer my prayers, I think I'm doing something really right & am totally on the right track & ready for sainthood. Anyone else? Anyone else think they are a miracle worker?

So, this week is my *dawning* of the trust in God's capable hands and be *awed* by the results:

A few months ago, my friend was having a routine doctor's appointment and she mentioned 2 lumps in her neck that she'd noticed. The doctor ordered a biopsy. ...and then we waited. She asked for our prayers, and so I prayed that the tumors would shrink indicating [of course] that there was no cancer and that God is powerful and can do awesome things.

...they didn't. But, they also came back negative for cancer. So, YEA!

In meeting with her doctor a few weeks ago, it was determined that the best thing given the size of the masses and her age [which is my age! not old!] was to remove not just the lumps, but her entire thyroid.

More prayers: Operation went awesome. YEA!

...and then, before she was released, she found out that there were early signs of cancer on her thyroid. Not in the tumors. Those apparently were just a by-product...a warning sign to get my friend's attention because there was something happening undetected in her body.

Unanswered prayers. If her tumors would have shrunk, they wouldn't have been removed. If not removed, the cancerous thyroid would have remained...and who knows what we would be talking about in a year from now?

The awesome news? We don't have to wonder. In an incredible, unbelievable, un-asked for way, God provided for my friend with 3 young kids. ...because God is powerful and can do awesome things.

[so, I surrender, God. I will present my requests to you, but above all, I will seek your Presence - and believe that your silence is still a provision of your Goodness....]

Transformation Tuesday

Ordinary Time