
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

A-ha Moment of the Week

In my professional development class, we learn about Strengths - Gallup Strengths to be specific. Students complete the student version of StrengthsFinder, a guest speaker comes* and helps us process the meaning of our strengths and what that looks like in action...how strengths can be utilized in the workplace/learning environment...and how strengths impact the type of work we choose do, and who we want to work for.

[*a guest speaker because I'm not currently a Strengths coach. Emphasis on currently...come December, I'm planning to spend 4 days in Boston completing the training! ...and if you know me at all, you know I am SUPER excited about it!]

If you know me at all, I am right there alongside students discovering new insights about my Strengths. I LOVE this part of class. LOVE it. Hands-down my favorite part - because I love connections.

The past two weeks, I've had a great time learning from Bridgette Voisinet, Director of Organizational Development for NorthStar, as she led us through the Strengths exercises. She shared an aspect of Strengths that I hadn't been exposed to before: the domains. ...and let me tell you what, it was the biggest A-HA moment of the week!

 All 34 themes arranged by domain type.

I'm curious to know your thoughts...where do you think my Strengths lie?

I've taken this assessment 3 times, once 10 years ago and twice in the past year (though I can't find one of my results). Typically, results don't change much - except in the event of a MAJOR life change. So, my strengths from the last 5 years: Ideation, Individualization, Adaptability, Positivity, WOO; Adaptability, Connectedness, Strategic, Input, Responsibility.

...and where do those Strengths fall?


See which one is least? Executing...which is why getting into action is my biggest challenge. Why implementing a plan happens with great effort. Why I felt last week like my life just spins its wheels without making forward progress....


I need Executors to make the plan happen, and I need Influencers to advocate for/support my idea. 

...also, is it any wonder how I ended up in my line of work? ...or the type of work that I long to do? 
...no...no it is not.

Also, I have just loved this week sitting in an appointment with each of my students and helping them put into words how their strengths connect with each other - identify why that is significant to an employer - and just gain insight into them. Again, knowing my strengths - of course, I love that. There is just something so powerful in being to identify WHO YOU ARE - and hearing someone else say THAT IT MATTERS.


I'll be here for you

Ireland: Days 3 and 4