
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

Wedding Party

Pamela Lutsey: best friend and college roommate. Pam and Jessica met as Iowa delegates for National 4-H Congress. They quickly became friends; Jessica hoped that Pam would choose Iowa State. When Pam finally was on the brink of choosing ISU, she called Jess about rooming together. Jessica immediately said yes; she'd wanted to room with Pam ever since meeting her. The two dreamed of their weddings as freshmen; they each made a list of desirable characteristics in a husband; Jessica was, by far, more "marriage crazy" than Pam - but God always has surprises for us. In 2006, Jessica was Pam's maid of honor. (Pam also got married on the Sunday of Memorial Day!)

 Amy Bautista: cousin of the bride. Essentially, Amy is Jessica's older sister. Their friendship really began to blossom when Jessica was an upperclassman in high school. Amy has been a spiritual mentor, lifecounselor, and example - both of what to do and what not to do. ;) In 2001, Jessica was a bridesmaid in Amy's wedding. Amy and her husband have 4 boys, who are like nephews. The boyZ look out for Jessica, and have been wondering when Dan would get his act together and marry her. Last June, Zian (8 - the oldest) made Dan put a timeline on it, "So, Dan, are you going to marry Jessica?" "Uh - yeah." "When?" "Oh...soon." "Soon? Like a year, then?"

 Andrea Bastin: friend of the bride, Sunshine House roommate. Andrea's friendship has been a God-send and a blessing. She brings spunk, vitality and spice to life & to their friendship. Andrea and Jessica are known to spend hours waxing theological, break into spontaneous dance, drink a bottle of wine or empty a pot of coffee. When these two combine forces with the next bridesmaid, quotable quotes abound!

Heather Johnson: friend of the bride, Sunshine House roommate. Heather is another God-sent friends, literally. While working at Reiman Gardens in 2001, Jessica prayed for one Christian friend. Enter Heather; they've been friends ever since! Heather is an incredibly loyal, giving friend. She and her husband Chad have been great friends to Dan & Jessica!  In 2008, Jessica and Andrea were bridesmaids in Heather's wedding.

Lisa Carstens: friend of the bride since 4th grade. Jessica and Lisa shared crayons in kindergarten. However, they didn't have class together again until 4th grade. At that time, Jessica 'admitted' her into her friendship circle by inviting her to her birthday slumber party. Lisa made the 'Regular 6' complete. The amount of laughter shared, inside jokes created, and quotes that have arisen over the years is incredible. Lisa is a friend that you can count on in any life situation - in joy, mourning, trials OR when you move thousands of miles across the country.  Jessica would have been Lisa's Personal Attendant, had she not skipped the country during the summer of 2002.

Best Man 
Tim Kiesling: Tim is Dan’s oldest brother.  Tim has been there for Dan from showing him how to throw a baseball to helping him move home from Maine.  There’s a lot to be said about an influence a big brother has on his younger brothers and Tim has had that influence.  Tim has always been one of Dan's biggest supporters when he takes on new adventures in life.  Tim always calls with scoring updates & what they can do to improve during Spartan games and inquires how the judging team did at their last contest.  Tim has taught me to enjoy life and not take for granted the days that are given us.

Brian Kiesling: Brian is Dan’s other older brother.  All the things I can say about Tim, I can say about Brian.  We’ve spent many early mornings at weight lifting practice before school and many summer evenings walking steers together.  Brian has had a great influence on my life as well.  I’m always excited to hear from Brian when he tells me how his kids are doing or how things with the Perry FFA Chapter are doing.

All three of us boys are mostly responsible for Dad’s gray hairs over the years.  Whether it was playing whiffle ball at point blank range in front of the house, driving Karen crazy when she babysat us or spending countless winter days ice skating at Marr’s pond, the memories we’ve made over the years are something that I will always cherish.  I know we have many more to make and I appreciate that I can come to them whenever I need help.

Ryan Sweeney: Ryan and I got to be friends in FFA and that friendship has grown since.  Whether he was in Montana, Oklahoma or now Kansas and I was in Maine, Iowa or now Arizona; we can talk and not miss a beat- just like we were back at MSU sitting in class or drinking a beer at the Bullpen.  I’ve always appreciated Ryan being like another big brother to me- and finally a big brother who can’t beat me up!

Todd Wolff: Todd and I got to be friends in college and lived together for a year.  We threw some pretty good parties!  Over the years, we’ve stayed in touch and traveled all across the Midwest going to sheep shows and looking for the champion lamb.  Todd now lives in Iowa and just as he moved there, I moved to Arizona (no coincidence!), which is too bad, because it would have been a lot of fun to have him and his wife Katie so close.  However, we still stay in touch and he has been a great friend I hope I have returned the favor.

Jon Hohenstein: The first time I met J-Ho was in 4th grade basketball.  He was guarding me or I him, I can’t remember, and I fell and he laughed at me!  Well, it got better after that.  He still laughs at me, but I bring it on myself.  Through school, we were teammates, I would teach about farming and his mom would feed me dinners before games.  Jon threatened our relationship by going to the University of Michigan.  However, we patched things up and he is still a friend.  Someone once said it’s important to keep friends who knew you when you were young, I’m not sure why, but I am glad that I can still count on Jon as one of my close friends.

Flower Girl
Brenna Kiesling: Dan's niece (daughter of Brian). Brenna is the only Kiesling granddaughter (thus far) and older sister. She loves all things "princess" right now, so she and Jessica enjoy playing with her princess make-up.

Ring Bearer
Zachary Bautista: Jessica's "nephew" (son of Amy). Zach loves sports and plans one day to be a "kicker in the Big Ten!" I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean the Spartans, either. Maybe we'll be able to convince him which Big Ten team to play for after the wedding!


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