
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today my dad turns 62. In normal fashion, I have not put his card in the mail yet. So, he gets something even better: a blog in his honor!

Going through my pictures, I realized that my dad and I don't take selfies very often. Instead, I'll share some pictures of my dad's handiwork. My dad is one of the hardest working people I know. I would imagine that "Achiever" is one of his CliftonStrengths because he is one of the most productive people. He is always working on a project. He exhausts me. :)

When he comes to visit, he works tirelessly on projects. Don't mishear me - I LOVE that he does all of these things for me because...otherwise they wouldn't get done. But once in a while I think, wouldn't it be fun if you came to Michigan and we just went somewhere? Like, we actually vacationed? :)

When I moved into my new house, he spent the entire weekend learning to install flooring. Blog about Dad :)

When I had a small surgery this summer, he spent the entire weekend cleaning up my yard.
Friday: he cut down a veritable forest growing in the backyard and destroyed the whistlepigs' portal to Narnia

Bye-bye whistle pigs! or as Leslie would say, "Get outta here, whistlepigs!"

Saturday: he repaired my grape arbor

Sunday: he built shelves in my little storage shed and then cleaned out my gutters

The man is a work-horse, and I love him for it.

My dad is also the champion of bringing my ideas to life. When I said that I wanted to have  make my wine-bottle/candle-holder centerpieces, he didn't say, "That'll be a lot of work. What a dumb idea. Why don't you just use regular votive cups?" He found out how to cut glass and places that sold glass cutters in Michigan. (Every time I drive by Delphi Glass on Jolly Road, I think - 'Hey! That's where Dad bought our glass cutter!') THEN, he and I spent the entire weekend making the candle-holders. ...and it is one of my most cherished memories from the wedding-planning process.

The other idea my dad brought to life was our dance floor for the wedding. I didn't want to spend precious time during the reception tearing down tables for a dance floor. Instead, why not use the stage as the dance floor? The stage is better for dancing anyway. Then, I said, I would like there to be twinkle lights up over the dance floor. My mother immediately dismissed the idea and tried to talk me into something new. But not my dad!

I think my dad must also have the Restorative talent - because he so great at meeting a challenge. Rather than think a thing impossible, he brainstorms ideas and ways to bring it to reality. I know that if my dad says a thing cannot be done - then, it probably really can't be done.

Image may contain: 2 people, people dancing, people standing and wedding

There are so many other times that I have spoken of the gift that my dad is to me. He speaks truth to my heart when I need it most. There was that one time he ran for office, and I wrote about his character and impact upon me.

Dad, I just love you so much. I am eternally grateful that you have been my dad, and I am your daughter. Your efforts in life bear much fruit in the lives of those you love and serve. May you be filled to overflowing by the Holy Spirit so that grace, peace, and good works abound to the glory of our Heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here's some earthly bounty wrought by your arbor:

How to get a week off in the middle of the semester (without even trying)

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