
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

Callings:  to become and to do

Callings: to become and to do

This week, I am sharing a meditation combined from my lectio divina meditation time on the Gospels from the last two Sundays - Matthew 2:12-19 and John 1:29-34 — both counts of Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist.

What would it look like to see the heavens open?  Is it a new way of seeing... or the clouds actually parting? Did everyone there see it, too? or was it only Jesus?

What would it sound like to hear the voice of God? Is it only discernible by the one receiving  or did all hear it? or hear...something like thunder  like rushing wind...just not words?

Could you have been there...and missed God? 

{then he allowed him} [verse 15]

John allowed Jesus to get baptized. 

Just let that sink in for another moment. JOHN. a man. ALLOWED (gave permission) to JESUS (God-man)

Another sign of God not impinging our free will - of giving us, mere mortals, the authority to choose - to decide - if God-in-the-flesh should get baptized.  A thing can be ordained in heaven - yet God allows us to be the lynchpin in its actualization here on earth. 

Doesn’t that make me want to be more aware, awake and ready? What has God come to me with? Have I failed to give my ‘yes’ to him in an area of faith he’s invited me to partner? 

May your kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is {existing in actuality} in heaven!

Our testimony about Jesus is a process. In this life, we are never in possession of full knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our personal relationship with Him and to Him – these are also a process. The process is that of revelation. As we walk with God, we encounter more of Him.  (EVEN WHEN we are experiencing the dark night of the soul [when God seems silent and distant]…we are developing a greater awareness of the veil)

I will make you a light to the nations

That my salvation may reach the ends of the earth.  (Isaiah 49)


This is a story of revelation. John is recounting how he came to know, with confidence, that Jesus is not just a holy man – or a prophet – but the Lamb of God. The Lamb of God who will both take away the sins of the world AND baptize with the Holy Spirit. Salvation includes BOTH entities.


Because John was faithful to listen to God, to seek God, and to obey God – God revealed the clues to him. This is how you will recognize the One for whom you are preparing a way. When he began fulfilling his part, he did not to or for whom it was that his actions were preparing – he acted anyway. John trusted that God would act and reveal in His time. John acted knowing that fulfillment would indeed come. John believed that God would be true to His word.


John knew his part – and he did it.

And he revealed the Messiah to Israel –

        because he was faithful –

        to follow, to listen, to obey

        to seek, to separate,

        to announce, to testify.


What stands out to me the most is that John didn’t know everything at the beginning of his ministry or his calling. If John the Baptist had to be faithful with little, so that he could be entrusted with much – how much more is this the pattern for all of us?

I remember as a college student and as a new graduate in my first real job – and, geez, throughout my entire twenties – how much I just wanted to know what my life path was …and what I was going to do…and what I was going to become…and if my hopes and dreams and desires of my heart would be fulfilled … if God would actually prove himself good to me. In that moment of unrequited love and unfulfilled hopes and longings, I didn’t really believe that his intention for me was good. …and I kept feeling restless – even though I liked my job, my church, etc. – I just kept feeling …restless… I knew that there was more; I knew that I had to have a calling – but when, where, and in whom would I find it?


Being an advisor to college students now, I see many of them entering this time of …desolation… and their number one desire is to avoid it. How can I blame them? I would have chosen the same --- but I would not be the same without it. I needed that time of desolation, wondering, and wandering to become who I am today …and to encounter Jesus – and more of him – and his REALITY – so that only in Him, with Him, and through Him could more of my self be revealed.


Knowing Jesus, encountering Jesus, testifying to Jesus – it’s not fixed in stone. While it starts with an event – it isn’t an event. It is truly a journey up the mountain. On that mountain, we will have moments where the only path revealed is the step immediately in front. We will have moments in the clearing, where we can look back and see how integral every step has been to get us to where we are – and be filled with gratitude. We will grumble under the load that we “have” to carry. We will rejoice when that load becomes miraculously light because we actually let Jesus be our load. We will have moments of sheer joy where we can look out on an entire valley below –and just stand in awe and worship.  Still, we must press on – for the calling isn’t to the journey itself – but to discovering we’ve had a companion next to us, with us, and IN us – the entire time – leading us closer into His presence, to dwell with Him in His home forever.


Questions for reflection: To what / to whom am I being called? Am I faithful to persevere until fulfillment – or will I get distracted? God, keep me faithful to the call!


Question for examination: When has my connection to God been obscured – my thoughts/actions more in line with “the world” than “creation”?

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