
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

A Sabbath Summer

A Sabbath Summer

Back to school week brings along with it that old familiar question: “How was your summer?” often followed by “What did you do this summer?”

As a person of a certain responsibility level (rather than age) :) and with a certain appointment type, contrary to assumption - I work through the summer. I spend the majority of my summer welcoming our incoming class of students and arranging their schedule. It’s not terribly exciting - especially in terms of students’ imaginations of what summer is.

My past summer was … fine. It was fine. It wasn’t spectacular. It wasn’t life changing. …to be honest, I’d almost call it boring. …and you know what? It was exactly what I needed. I needed a summer of rest - and that’s what I enjoyed. A Sabbath Summer

To be honest - I have earned this summer of rest. My last 4 summers have entailed maybe - just a little - too much excitement and life-changing events. Let’s recap, shall we?

Summer 2015: May - learned of the opening at MSU; Dan tentatively offered position; June - Dan offered position at MSU; Jessica applies for position at MSU; Dan accepts; packing commences; Dan undergoes 6 weeks of testing at Mayo Clinic, with 2-3 appointments in Scottsdale each week (2 hr drive one way); Dan judges Adair County fair; Jessica manages moving details; Dan diagnosed with cancer, the day house is packed onto moving van; Jessica drives team Kiesling to Michigan.

Summer 2016: following a year of new job starts, drives to Ann Arbor, etc., Dan enjoys a respite of 6 weeks with great health; EBV ramps back up in June, weekly chemo starts, weekend stays at hospital, week-long stay at hospital, intense back pain…suddenly ending with Dan’s passing on July 11. …the rest of the summer blurs.

Summer 2017: following a year of grieving while working intensely, I am empty. I am finally coming to acceptance of my identity as a widow, standing on the precipice of me without Dan’s presence - my next ‘chapter’ in life as a widow not a wife. I cap off my ‘year of shivah’ (sitting with grief) by going on a pilgrimage to Ireland in mid-July. For the first time in 2 years, I begin to re-discover me. I feel like myself again for the first time in a very long time. The prospect of living is more of a reality than a hope, now. I think I can take steps forward now.

Summer 2018: following a year of big changes - buying a house in Williamston; becoming a certified Strengths coach, I get to co-lead a group of 24 students on a study abroad trip to Ireland. (life goal: check) While there, I encounter a pivot point with Nigel (our guide from the Ireland pilgrimage): be brave and hold his hand or forever live in peace as friends. I held nothing back and did the brave thing - and now, I am in a relationship for the first time in 2 years… The rest of my summer was easing into the reality of this new thing, while still learning to let go of what was. Many ask about the difficulties of being in a long-distance relationship - but I needed that time and distance to ease all the important people in my life into my new reality (which is probably more about easing me into that new reality than them). ;)

Summer 2019: I spent 10 days in Iowa in May/June, some of the highlights include teaching my niece Taylor to sew, CliftonStrengths summit reconnecting with old friends, and being the keynote speaker for SOFA 25; I spent 10 days with Nigel in Iowa where he met my aunts, uncle, and many old friends and we spent a glorious 2.5 days on Mackinac Island. ….or to highlight my summer in another way:

Arranging: I rearranged my office in a way that totally works for me now! I rearranged our advising center in a way that totally works for its intended purpose (or at least works better). I arranged schedules for 80+ incoming new students.

Binge-ing: Outlander (all the seasons). Leslie and I just finished the finale of Season 4 last night. Now we wait until January. For historical fiction lovers like me, it’s great. There is some adult content, so be aware. You might want to have the fast forward button handy for a couple episodes. Definitely do not watch with your children or your mother-in-law. ;)

Coordinating: Strengths coaching sessions. St Mary’s staff and leadership team spent about 10-12 hours investing in their individual and team strengths over 3 sessions. I had the best time doing this.

Celebrating: my cousin Joe’s graduation from the University of Arizona! It was such a blissful time back reconnecting with some of my very favorite people from that era. I wish travel wasn’t so expensive.

Distilling: (not sure that’s the right word) 4 gallons of cherry pie liqueur

Discovering: Cupping massage. Holy tension release! If you have been holding onto years’ worth of tension - do yourself a favor and invest in a couple of sessions of cupping massage. I highly recommend Allison at Williamston Wellness.

Eating: blueberries

Following: an eating plan. Through Beachbody, each workout recommends different eating plans. I resist things like this until I don’t. I must admit it’s working because I can comfortably wear some clothes now that I couldn’t earlier on.

Harvesting: tart cherries & blueberries (see letters D and E above)

Listening: What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon - fave listen of the summer.

Planning: This summer I decided "this is the year to do the things.” Meaning - why wait for an opening in my schedule to do the thing I’ve been saying I want to do for the last 3 years? SO, I created an online section of my ANS 101 (Professional Development 1) class. I LOVE COURSE PLANNING!

(TBH, course implementing wears on me; 16 weeks is too long for me. By mid-semester, i want to change everything. It’s hard having 3 of my dominant strengths thrive off change)

Retreating: I completed a 1.5 day silent retreat in July that focused on Ignatian spirituality. It was very eye-opening and I kind of always knew I’d love Ignatian spirituality - and now I know for sure. I also signed up for the Institute of Spiritual Direction classes - which start in 12 days.

Sweating: I’ve been consistently working out this summer for the first time since January 2017. Yoga early on, became 21-Day Fix, and now I’m on the second month of the Pi-Yo workouts. While I don’t love having my butt-kicked every morning, I do love the way this workout in particular has reshaped my body. Did you know I have triceps? ;)

Teaching: Taylor to sew. There probably should be another entry under C for “Cursing” since that apparently was her major take-away. “Mom, did you know that Aunt Jessica cusses?” …um….it was only twice - once/day. only when I did something really stupid - like not connecting the entire cuff or collar to the shirt/pants. apparently circles, sewing, and I do not match up.

Wishing: that there wasn’t an ocean separating Nigel and me.

Finding God in the darkness

Finding God in the darkness

Pivot Points