
Welcome to my blog. I live to be inspired, so that I can inspire others. The lessons I’ve learned through walking through the valley of the shadow of death have taught me 3 things:

Love redeems.

Joy comes.

Resurrection exists.

These are the themes I write about.

The Most Ridiculous {Mercy} Party

In order to get immersed into this post, start here: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/091519.cfm. These are the readings for the weekend. What I am going to share with you today is my reflection on these readings by doing something called “Lectio Divina.” It’s the art of listening, responding, reflecting and sharing how God is speaking to you through His Word. This weekend, I happen to the be Lector, so I will be proclaiming these Truths.

Earlier this week, when I was reflecting on the first reading (the story of the Israelites rebelling against God by creating the golden calf) - I noted that I probably wouldn’t have been like Moses, and instead would have been like my normal self, chiming in with God’s lamenting with something like, “You’re right! They suck!” (#whyI’mnotasaint) (or a prophet)

The phrase that came to my mind are two-fold: The Lord our God is a jealous God. and The Lord, the Lord! Slow to anger and abounding in love. Yet in this reading, God is angry - and justifiably so. His people, the people He declared were a nation; the people He just delivered from the most powerful army on earth - they have so quickly traded Him in for a calf of gold.

They traded -

The Living God for an inanimate object;

The Uncreated Creator for a hand-crafted animal (His own design, even!) - made from gold jewelry that He laid on the Egyptians to give to the Israelites - His plans for their provision!)





Defaced. Defecated upon.

by His own. Why not start from scratch? It’d only make sense.

As I read the Gospel readings - this is what stood out to me most: ridiculous.

It’s not a word from the reading - but that’s what kept playing in my mind: this is the most ridiculous story.

A man has 100 sheep.

He loses 1. Then leaves NINETY-NINE IN THE DESERT - to search for one?

Who is watching the other 99?


he comes home from shepherding with the ONE sheep (where are the other 99?) AND THROWS A PARTY.



Next up - this is a bit more plausible. I mean, what woman wouldn’t be searching the house for the lost coin? [Sometimes I sub the word “earring” for coin - because doesn’t that fit even better? Ain’t no value in just one earring! You need the pair!] Of course she would.

And upon finding that coin, she’d be relieved - BUT WOULD SHE THROW A PARTY?

Like, “Yea! I found this one coin and now I’m going to spend all 10 of my coins for that one coin.”


It’s ridiculous.

…and that is precisely the point.

It is ridiculous to leave 99 sheep in the desert just to search for the one who wandered off.

It is ridiculous to search high and low for a coin - and then throw a party over it (spending said coin).

It is equally ridiculous for any of us to receive mercy from the King of Ages, Incorruptible, Invisible, the Only God. (1 Timothy 1:17)


that is exactly what we are offered.

In the first reading, the Israelites displayed full rebellion: all-out revelry attributing something they made for delivering them from the Egyptians.

It is RIDICULOUS. UTTER RIDICULOUSNESS that they could so quickly exchange the actual Glory of God for a LIE - rejecting the presence of God and giving praise to something they made with their own hands. It was 100% rejection.

and yet…

In the second reading, Paul highlights the RIDICULOUS fact that he has been elevated to minister status. Given his history as a blasphemer, persecutor, arrogant, ignorant, unbelieving man - why on earth should he be considered trusthworthy enough for ministry?

and yet

the RIDICULOUS truth of God is this:

The grade of our Lord has been abundant, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus - that He came into the world to save sinners; of which I am the foremost.

God’s gift to us is Jesus Christ - displaying the full love of God for us - that we should not perish or know condemnation or separation - but instead by brought into reconciliation with the God who made us.

Rather than hold the truth that we have rejected the glory of God against us - God showered us with mercy through redemption by the cross of Jesus Christ.

Moses pointed it out to God: You made a covenant with Yourself, declaring

You are my people. Never will I leave you or forsake you.

I have called you by My name; You are mine.

I have engraved your name upon the palm of my hand - I will never stop fighting for you.

I am the LORD your God - a jealous God - who covets your presence, your love, and your time. …and I am also the LORD your God - a patient Father - providing good things for you. …and I am the Lord your God - a lover - waiting for you to know your heart and choose.

I want to shower you with loving kindness.

I want to exalt you.

I want to give you a purposeful life with me.

I want you to be your fullest self.

I want you to know and discover all you I have created you to be.


Come home.

Open the door:

You are welcome.

You are expected.

You are accepted.

….and we’ll have the biggest damn party you ever did see.

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Finding God in the darkness

Finding God in the darkness