CoVID19 Response: What It Feels Like

I was fine while I was talking with students, advising others. Two hours later as I was eating lunch, I experienced a feeling of panic. I suddenly felt unmoored. Drifting. Scared. I felt actual waves of anxiety distancing me farther and farther away from what I knew, what was safe…what was secure.

I hadn’t felt that in 18.5 years. I recognized that this was the exact way I felt on 9/11 and those days after. …and my heart goes out to my students even more.

Reeds & Wicks

I love these two examples because they show how gentle God is with His people and those He calls into service (which is all of us). He does not quench the wick smoldering - barely putting forth a flame. He sends his minister to tend it - to call forth life and usefulness.

A Sabbath Summer

My past summer was … fine. It was fine. It wasn’t spectacular. It wasn’t life changing. …to be honest, I’d almost call it boring. …and you know what? It was exactly what I needed. I needed a summer of rest - and that’s what I enjoyed. A Sabbath Summer

Finding My Voice

As I have been learning to embrace my strengths (talent themes) as gifts instilled by my loving Father, this division I have felt for most of the past 25 years slowly is dissipating. My true self doesn’t lie entirely in “loud Jessica” nor is it solely in a deep pondering soul Jessica. I am both.